Share your expertise, grow,
make a difference

Mentoring is a two-way street. Let us take care of the boring parts so you can concentrate on personal and professional growth for both you and your mentees.

Join an ambitious network of educators and leaders


The amazing things that mentoring can do for you

Managers, executives and leaders agree that mentoring is one of the most impactful ways to spend your time. In return, you're building crucial leadership qualities.

“I had several calls with mentees this week, and every single one of them has been insightful, cheerful, uplifting, and full of ideas being exchanged.”

Mentoring on MentorCruise

Let's hit the ground running, we're here
to support you

Partnering with MentorCruise means you won't have to take care of anything other than what you care about most.

Showcase your achievements

Your mentoring profile does not only include your mentoring booking packages, but also verified testimonials, blog posts and performance data. The perfect way to showcase your development as leader.

All the support you need

Apart from our resources and support team, the 1,000+ strong mentoring community is always happy to help out with questions and concerns.

Full time control, always!

We don't need you to adhere to times, schedules or certain amount of mentoring spots. You decide how your offer looks like and how you structure mentorships.

Monetize your expertise

It's a good feeling to get paid for making a difference. Did you know that paid mentoring programs have up to five times higher success rates than free/volunteering-based ones?

An inspirational community

MentorCruise is a diverse program that spans almost 100 countries of origins, from early-stage startup founders to principal engineers at FAANG and award-winning designers.

Rewards, perks and collaboration

With mentors in all edges of the industry, we work on opportunities together, start projects, do job referrals, share knowledge. Join and be part of what we do!
Become a mentor Frequently asked questions

Trusted by mentees all around the world

MentorCruise attracts driven, highly ambitious mentees that are looking to grow in their careers, businesses and learnings.

Paid to mentors

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

How does this whole thing work?
People are looking for mentors, you would like to mentor. MentorCruise is merely the way to connect the two sides and making sure experiences go well.
In practice, you'll get a mentoring profile incl. mentoring packages you are ready to offer. It's your public signal that you're available for mentoring and you'll see bookings come in very quickly.
How much time does it take?
You are busy, we understand that. That's why we designed our program around efficiency. The time you invest will always be in your control and spent on useful things.
The average mentor on our platform has 2-3 mentees and spends around 30 minute per mentee per week.
What's expected from me?
Mentees come with various expectations which they are asked to outline during their outreach to you. We only expect open communication and empathy in negotiating what you can actually take on.
Who are the Mentees?
Mentees come from all walks of life. The majority of our mentees are industry professionals looking to grow or for a career change. Some work on their own product and startups, others are new to tech.
How much money can I make?
For most mentors the money becomes secondary. You are likely to make more per hour with corporate consulting. That being said, you end up making money by helping others, which is an amazing feeling!
To give you an idea, the average monthly payout for mentors is somewhere around $500 per month. Top mentors are making low 4 figures.
How do you make money?
We only get paid if you do! We don't take a cut – once you set up your price, we'll calculate a fee along the lines of 20% and put it on top. Once you have your mentees, we just split the payment and commission.

Become part of the leading
mentoring community

Thousands of mentees and mentors can't be wrong – with a 97% satisfaction rate, MentorCruise is one of the hiquest quality mentoring communities out there.

Become a mentor